About Transformed Living
Transformed Living, a ministry of LifeMatters Church, is a unique discipleship experience, consisting of a specific approach, delivery method, and a body of content designed to: encourage biblical thinking, being, and doing at home, work, and church. It is both a discipleship experience and a coaching approach with particular emphasis on relationships, starting with God and family.
Transformed Living can be implemented in a variety of ways within the church including used as an instrument for creating a culture of discipleship, or infusing discipleship principles through established ministries (Women’s, Men’s, Marriage, Community Groups), or as a Home Mentoring Experience. Through a strategic alliance with the International Christian Coaching Institute, Transformed Living also provides individual growth opportunities that include coaching, coach training, certification courses and a self-study program. It brings a fresh and proven approach to attaining personal victories, creating life-giving relationships, and ensuring fruitful families.
You can experience the joy of personal transformation and help others experience the same. Consider just a few of the benefits that those who have practiced this approach enthusiastically describe:
Deeper intimacy with God
Better and richer relationships with spouse and family
Mind-blowing conversations that lead to a significant and desired change
Answers for long-sought-after questions
Life-changing insights and practical application
A pathway for discipling, coaching and mentoring others
A newfound grace and hope
The ‘why’ behind common biblical teachings
A powerful way to think differently
To be fair, personal and relational transformation is neither simple nor straightforward; it’s hard! However, you have likely found that at least one area of your life is not functioning as you wish, and living that way is hard. So…Choose Your Hard! “But I’m exhausted by ‘hard,’” you say? We get it! We, too, have experienced the pain of living a life dominated by believing lies. But no more. When we realized that we believed lies, we turned to replace that lie with the truth of God’s Word. Replacing lies with the truth is positively life changing. Upon learning how to live that truth, you will experience a refreshed soul and a spirit that soars. This is what Transformed Living provides.
If you have experienced despair or disappointment; why not give this life-producing proven approach a shot? You will improve your relationships through personal transformation as you align your beliefs and behaviors with God’s design. All made possible by the grace of Christ Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit to free you and to empower you to cooperate with your Creator!
God has used these Life-giving Principles, Practical Applications, and Transformational Processes to do for us what we could never do for ourselves; conform us into the image of His Son! As a result, we are experiencing the rewards of ever-increasing love for Jesus, a fulfilling marriage, fruitful family relationships with our kids and grandkids, much healthier relationships with others, and a more significant life-long impact.
Our personal and relational transformation journey is so incredible and exciting that we have to share it with you. Be forewarned; we share our journey authentically and with sobering vulnerability. We do so because our human need is great, but our God is greater! So join us, as together we learn to die to self and live in Christ, heeding the call to “be ye transformed.”
The Transformed Living Approach will change your life. You are a new creation in Christ; consequently, learning how to think and live life as a new creation provides the key to experiencing the benefits that your new identity in Christ offers.
Read or Download the Transformed Living Ministry Statements of Faith

“This was one of the best investments I have ever made. It was worth every moment of my time and focus. My newfound insights and understanding about marriage and family have already paid dividends and I am confident that there is much more to come.”
—T. L.
Making disciples who love God, walk in freedom, and build life-giving relationships at home, work and play.
Transformed Living provides Bible-based products and services with a unique approach that inspire, equip and empower leaders and laypeople to grow as Christian disciples, mentors and coaches.